Do you want to learn Past Continuous Tense in Hindi ? पास्ट कंटिन्यूस टेंस को हिंदी में आसानी से सीखिए । अगर आप हिंदी से अंग्रेजी में Tense सीखना चाहते है तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह पर है । If you are learning tense in Hindi then you are at the right place to learn how to make past continuous tense . यह टेंस हमे अतीत में होने वाली घटनाएं दिखाता है |
Past Continuous tense को हिंदी मे अपूर्ण भूतकाल कहते है । ‘ Past Continuous Tense ‘ बीते हुए समय मे जारी कार्यों का बोध कराता है । सामान्य शब्दों में यह ये Tense बताता है कि Past में कोई काम चल रहा था |
जैसे –
- 1.)वह मुझे पढ़ा रहा था ।
- 2.)वह तुमसे क्या कह रहा था ।
- 4.)शिवम् बहुत अच्छे से पढ़ रहा था ।
- 4.)हमारा घर बहुत सुंदर सज रहा था ।
- 5.)वह कल खेल रहा था ।
Note –
ऊपर दिये गये वाक्यो मे भूतकाल् में कोई काम जारी था ।
सभी वाक्य Past Continuous Tense के है ।ऐसे वाक्यों का अनुवाद हिंदी से अंग्रेजी मे Past Continuous Tense के Rules के अनुसार करते है ।
Past continuous tense की Worksheets , Example Sentences , Rules , Exercises तथा Definitions आगे दिये गये है ।

Past continuous Tense की पहचान With hindi examples – Past Continuous Tense in Hindi
Past Continuous Tense को पहचानने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका यह है कि उनके सभी वाक्यों के अंत में रहा था , रही थी, रहे थे आता ही है |
Past Continuous Tense in Hindi के वाक्य मे किसी कार्य का भूतकाल मे जारी होना पाया जाता है । ऐसे वाक्यों का अनुवाद हम Past Continuous Tense मे करते है ।
1.)राम पढ़ रहा था ।
Ram was studying .
2.)मै क्रिकेट खेल रहा था ।
I was playing cricket .
3.)शिवम् अपने घर मे खेल रहा था ।
Shivam was playing in his house .
4.)नितिन अच्छा गा रहा था ।
Nitin was singing well .
5.)अखिल स्कूल जा रहा था ।
Akhil was going to school .
6.)जब मै घर गया , वह पढ़ रहा था ।
When I went home , he was studying .
7.)जब मै नाच रहा था , वह गा रहा था ।
When I was dancing , he was singing .
8.)वे बाग़ से आम तोड़ रहे थे ।
They were plucking mangoes from the garden .
9.)जानवर खेतो मे दौड़ रहे थे ।
The animals were running in the farm .
10.)देवेंद्र और देवांश झगड़ रहे थे ।
Devendra and Devansh were fighting .
Note- Past continuous tense मे Verb की 1st form + ing (verb 1 + ing) का प्रयोग होता है ।
-I was talking to my friends .
-When I reached there , he was playing .
-They were going in the field .
-I was coming from the temple .
– Devansh was eating the food .
Helping verbs of Past Continuous Tense in Hindi-
इस Tense में 2 सहायक क्रियाएं ( Helping Verbs ) होती हैं – Was and Were
‘He’ , ‘She’ , ‘Name’ , ‘It’ और ‘I’ के साथ “Was” लगता है
‘You’ , ‘They’ और ‘We’ के साथ “Were” लगता है ।
Examples of ‘Was’ and ‘Were’ in Past Continuous Tense In Hindi –
” Was ” = “Singular subject”
1.)वह पढ़ रहा था – He was studying .
2.)प्राची सो रही थी – Prachi was sleeping .
3.)बरसात हो रही थी – It was raining .
4.)आदित्य हँस रहा था – Aditya was laughing .
5.)वह आ रही थी – She was coming.
" Were " = "Plural subject" ( तुम को छोड़कर )
1.)तुम गा रहे थे – You were singing.
2.)वे जा रह थे – They were going.
3.)लड़के खा रहे थे – The boys were eating .
4.)हम रो रहे थे – We were weeping .
5.)वे दौड़ रहे थे – They were running .
Rules and Examples Of All Types Of Sentences In Past Continuous Tense In Hindi –
1. Affirmative sentence of Past Continuous Tense In Hindi ( अपूर्ण भूतकाल के सकारात्मक वाक्य ) –
जिस वाक्य मे कोई भी “प्रश्नवाचक” शब्द और “नहीं” का प्रयोग न हो ‘Affirmative sentence’ (सकारात्मक वाक्य) कहते है । – Past Continuous Tense in Hindi
Formula – Subject + was / were + verb की 1st form के साथ ing form + O.
Examples –
वह पत्र लिख रहा था ।
He was writing a letter .
श्याम पढ़ रहा था ।
Shyam was studying.
वह गा रही थी ।
She was singing .
वे सो रहे थे ।
They were sleeping.
मै आ रहा था ।
I was coming .
लड़के मैदान मे खेल रहे थे ।
The boys were playing in the field .
तुम कहानी सुन रहे थे ।
You were listening to a story .
शिवम् कमरा साफ कर रहा था ।
Shivam was cleaning the room .
वे दिल्ली जा रहे थे ।
They were going to the city .
2. Negative sentence of Past Continuous Tense in Hindi ( अपूर्ण भूतकाल के नकारात्मक वाक्य )-
जिस वाक्य मे कोई भी “प्रश्नवाचक शब्द” और “नहीं” का प्रयोग हो ‘Affirmative sentence’ (सकारात्मक वाक्य) कहते है । – Past Continuous Tense in Hindi
Formula – Subject + was / were + not + verb की 1st form के साथ ing form + O.
Examples –
श्याम नहीं पढ़ रहा था ।
Shyam was not studying.
वह नहीं गा रही थी ।
She was not singing .
वे नहीं सो रहे थे ।
They were not sleeping.
मै नहीं आ रहा था ।
I was not coming .
लड़के मैदान मे नहीं खेल रहे थे ।
The boys were not playing in the field .
तुम कहानी नहीं सुन रहे थे ।
You were not listening to a story .
शिवम् कमरा साफ नहीं कर रहा था ।
Shivam was not cleaning the room .
वे दिल्ली नहीं जा रहे थे ।
They were not going to the city .
मै तुम्हारा इंतजार नहीं कर रहा था ।
I was not waiting for you .
3. Interrogative sentence of Past Continuous Tense in Hindi ( अपूर्ण भूतकाल के प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ) –
जिस वाक्य के शुरुआत मे “क्या” आये और “नहीं” का प्रयोग न हो ‘Interrogative sentence’ (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य) कहते है । – Past Continuous Tense in Hindi
Formula – Was / were + Subject + verb की 1st form के साथ ing form + O.
Examples –
क्या वह पत्र लिख रहा था ?
Was he writing a letter ?
क्या श्याम पढ़ रहा था ?
Was shyam studying?
क्या वह गा रही थी ?
Was she singing ?
क्या वे सो रहे थे ?
Were they sleeping?
क्या मै आ रहा था ?
Was I coming ?
क्या तुम कहानी सुन रहे थे ?
Were you listening to a story ?
क्या शिवम् कमरा साफ कर रहा था ?
Was shivam cleaning the room ?
क्या वे दिल्ली जा रहे थे ?
Were they going to the city ?
क्या मै तुम्हारा इंतजार कर रहा था ?
Was I waiting for you?
4. Interrogative negative sentence of Past Continuous Tense in Hindi ( अपूर्ण भूतकाल के प्रश्नवाचक नकारात्मक वाक्य ) –
जिस वाक्य के शुरुआत मे “क्या” आये और “नहीं” का प्रयोग न हो ‘Interrogative sentence’ (प्रश्नवाचक नकारात्मक वाक्य) कहते है ।
Formula – Was / were + Subject + not + Verb की 1st form के साथ ing form + O.

Examples –
क्या वह पत्र नहीं लिख रहा था ?
Was he not writing a letter ?
क्या श्याम नहीं पढ़ रहा था ?
Was shyam not studying?
क्या वह नहीं गा रही थी ?
Was she not singing ?
क्या वे नहीं सो रहे थे ?
Were they not sleeping?
क्या मै नहीं आ रहा था ?
Was I not coming ?
क्या लड़के मैदान मे नहीं खेल रहे थे ?
Were the players not playing in the field ?
क्या तुम कहानी नहीं सुन रहे थे ?
Were you not listening to a story ?
क्या शिवम् कमरा साफ नहीं कर रहा था ?
Was shivam not cleaning the room ?
क्या वे दिल्ली नहीं जा रहे थे ?
Were they not going to the city ?
क्या मै तुम्हारा इंतजार नहीं कर रहा था ?
Was I not waiting for you ?
5. Double Interrogative sentence of Past Continuous Tense in Hindi ( अपूर्ण भूतकाल के दोहरा प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ) –
जिस वाक्य मे कोई भी प्रश्नवाचक शब्द आये और “नहीं” का प्रयोग न हो ‘Doble Interrogative sentence’ (दोहरा प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य) कहते है ।
Formula – Wh word + Was / were + Subject + verb की 1st form के साथ ing form + O.

Examples –
- वह पत्र कहाँ लिख रहा था ? -Where was he writing a letter ?
- श्याम क्यों पढ़ रहा था ? – Why was shyam studying?
- वह कैसे गा रही थी ? – How was she singing ?
- वे क्यों सो रहे थे ? – Why were they sleeping?
- मै कब आ रहा था ? – When was I coming ?
- लड़के क्यों मैदान मे खेल रहे थे ? – Why were the players playing in the field ?
- तुम कब कहानी सुन रहे थे ? – When were you listening to a story ?
- शिवम् कैसे कमरा साफ कर रहा था ? – How was shivam cleaning the room ?
- वे कब दिल्ली जा रहे थे ? – When were they going to the city ?
- मै तुम्हारा इंतजार क्यों कर रहा था ? – Why was I waiting for you ?
6. Double Interrogative Negative sentence of Past Continuous Tense in Hindi ( अपूर्ण भूतकाल के दोहरा प्रश्नवाचक नकारात्मक वाक्य ) –
जिस वाक्य मे कोई भी प्रश्नवाचक शब्द आये और “नहीं” का प्रयोग हो ‘Doble Interrogative negative sentence’ (दोहरा प्रश्नवाचक नकारात्मक वाक्य) कहते है । – Past Continuous Tense in Hindi
Formula – Wh Word + Was / were + Subject + not + verb की 1st form के साथ ing form + O.
Examples –
वह पत्र कहाँ नहीं लिख रहा था ?
Where was he not writing a letter ?
श्याम क्यों पढ़ नहीं रहा था ?
Why was shyam not studying?
वह कैसे नहीं गा रही थी ?
How was she not singing ?
वे क्यों नहीं सो रहे थे ?
Why were they not sleeping?
मै कब आ नहीं रहा था ?
When was I not coming ?
लड़के मैदान मे क्यों नहीं खेल रहे थे ?
Why were the players not playing in the field ?
तुम कब कहानी नहीं सुन रहे थे ?
When were you not listening to a story ?
शिवम् कमरा कैसे नहीं साफ कर रहा था ?
How was shivam not cleaning the room ?
वे कब दिल्ली नहीं जा रहे थे ?
When were they not going to the city ?
मै तुम्हारा इंतजार क्यों नहीं कर रहा था ?
Why was I not waiting for you ?
Past Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi (Hindi to English translation)
Translate the following sentences into English –
Exercises – Past Continuous Tense in Hindi
1.)क्या वह कल आ रहा था ?
2.)राम पढ़ रहा था ।
3.)वह यहाँ क्यों आ रहा था ?
4.)चिंटू वहाँ नहीं लड़ रहा था ।
5.)क्या हम दिल्ली जा रहे थे ?
6.)लड़के उनको क्यों परेशान कर रहे थे ।
7.)तुम कल रात क्यों सो रहे थे ।
8.)वह बगीचे मे क्यों जा रहा था ।
9.)विवान रेल की पटरी क्यों दौड़ रहा था ।
10.)वे कल क्यों नेपाल जा रहे थे ।