अगर आप May Have Meaning In Hindi और Use Of Might Have In Hindi के विषय में पूरी जानकारी पाना चाहते हैं तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह पर हैं | तो फिर से स्वागत करते हैं आपका हमारे ३० दिवसीय स्पोकन इंग्लिश कोर्स के एक नए दिन में | आज हम सीखने वाले हैं ‘ May Have ‘ और ‘ Might Have ‘ का प्रयोग | ‘ Must Have ‘ का प्रयोग तो हम पिछले दिन ही सीख चुके हैं लेकिन यहाँ ‘ Must Have ‘ की सहायता से ही हम ‘ May Have ‘ और ‘ Might Have ‘ का प्रयोग सीखेंगे |
पहचान –
Must Have, May Have और Might Have तीनों का प्रयोग ही किसी भी अतीत की घटना के लिए राय देने / अनुमान लगाने के लिए किया जाता है | अंतर सिर्फ इतना है कि के प्रयोग में राय / अनुमान लगभग निश्चित रुप से सच होता है , ‘ May Have ‘ के प्रयोग में शायद सच हो सकता है और ‘ Might Have ‘ के प्रयोग में शायद ही ( मुश्किल से ) सच हो सकता है |
अब चलिए अलग अलग वाक्यों में इनका प्रयोग करके अच्छे से समझ लेते हैं |
Rules and Examples Of All Types Of Sentences For Might Have & May Have Meaning In Hindi
1. Affirmative Sentence – May Have Meaning In Hindi
Rule – Subject + May/ Might Have + V3 + Other Words.
जैसे –
1.आपने सुना होगा |
- You must have heard. ( जरूर )
- You may have heard. ( शायद )
- You might have heard. ( शायद ही )

2. मुझे लगता है यह उसने किया होगा |
- I think he must have done it.
- I think he may have done it.
- I think he might have done it.
2. Negative Sentence – May Have Meaning In Hindi
Rule – Subject + May/ Might + not + Have + V3 + Other Words.
जैसे –
आपने उन्हें नहीं देखा होगा |
- You must not have seen him. ( जरूर )
- You may not have seen him. ( शायद )
- You might not have seen him. ( शायद ही )

2. आपने उसका नाम नहीं सुना होगा |
- You must not have heard his name.
- You may not have heard his name.
- You might not have heard his name.
3. Interrogative Sentence – May Have Meaning In Hindi
Rule – May/ Might + Subject + Have + V3 + Other Words ?
जैसे –
1. क्या उसने विजय को हरा दिया होगा ?
- Must he have defeated Vijay ?
- May he have defeated Vijay ?
- Might he have defeated Vijay ?

2. क्या उसे इस बारे में जरूर पता चल गया होगा ?
- Must he have come to know about it ?
- May he have come to know about it ?
- Might he have come to know about it ?
4. Interrogative Negative Sentence – May Have Meaning In Hindi
Rule – May/ Might + Subject + Not + Have + V3 + Other Words ?
जैसे –
1. क्या यह उसने नहीं किया होगा ?
- Must he not have done this ?
- May he not have done this ?
- Might he not have done this ?

2.क्या कल वहां वर्षा नहीं हुई होगी ?
- Must it not have rained there yesterday ?
- May it not have rained there yesterday ?
- Might it not have rained there yesterday ?
5. Double Interrogative Sentence – May Have Meaning In Hindi
Rule – Wh. Word + May / Might + Subject + Have + V3 + Other Words ?
जैसे –
1.वह तुम्हारा पता क्यों भूल गया होगा ?
- Why must he have forgotten your address ?
- Why may he have forgotten your address ?
- Why might he have forgotten your address ?

2. उसने हमें दिल्ली में क्यों देखा होगा ?
Why must he have seen us in Delhi ?
Why may he have seen us in Delhi ?
Why might he have seen us in Delhi ?
6. Double Interrogative Negative Sentence – May Have Meaning In Hindi
Rule – Wh. Word + May / Might + Subject + Not + Have + V3 + Other Words ?
जैसे –
1.बस क्यों नहीं छूट गयी होगी ?
- Why must the bus not have left ? ( जरूर )
- Why may the bus not have left ? ( शायद )
- Why might the bus not have left ? ( शायद ही )

2. वह अभी तक घर क्यों नहीं पहुँच गया होगा ?
- Why must he not have reached home by now ?
- Why may he not have reached home by now ?
- Why might he not have reached home by now ?
पूर्ण आशा है कि अब तक आपने ‘ Have ‘ और के सारे प्रयोग समझ लिए होंगे | अगर अब भी कोई डाउट है तो हमारे फ्री व्हाट्सप्प ग्रुप लिंक को ज्वाइन करके उसका तुरंत निदान पा सकते हैं |