So you want to learn Daily Used Sentences Marathi? Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language primarily spoken in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is a beautiful language with its own unique phrases and expressions. Whether you are planning to visit Maharashtra or simply interested in learning Marathi, having a basic understanding of daily used sentences can be incredibly helpful. In this article, we will explore some essential Marathi phrases and their English translations to assist you in your language-learning journey.
Marathi is a widely spoken language in Maharashtra, and knowing a few common sentences can go a long way in building connections with locals and enhancing your travel experience. Let’s dive into some useful Marathi phrases and their English equivalents.
Marathi Sentence | English Translation |
सकाळची वेळ होती. | It was morning time. |
जा स्वतः जाऊन बघ. | Go and see for yourself. |
भिऊ नकोस. | Don’t be scared. |
तू मला फोन का केला नाहीस. | Why haven’t you called me? |
तो येणार की नाही याबाबत शंकाच आहे. | He is doubtful whether he will come or not. |
एक कप चहा दे. | Get me a cup of tea. |
कोणाकडून पण चूक होऊ शकते. | Anyone can make a mistake. |
आळशी बनू नको. | Don’t become lazy. |
ते पण खुप परेशानी मध्ये असेल. | He must also be very worried. |
मुद्द्यावर ये आणि सांग मला काय करायचं ते. | Come to the point and tell me what to do. |
तू एवढी गंभीर का आहेस. | Why are you so serious? |
मला धमकी देऊ नकोस. | Don’t threaten me. |
तू आज इतका दुखी का दिसत आहे. | Why do you look so sad today? |
ही माझ्यासाठी काही मोठी गोष्ट नाही. | This is not a big deal for me. |
तू असा कसे काय करू शकत. | How can you do such a thing? |
तू मला खूप वेळ पर्यंत वाट पाहत ठेवली. | You kept me waiting for a long time. |
त्याने मला मूर्ख बनवले आहे. | He made me look like a fool. |
तू एवढे रागालेला का आहेस. | Why are you so angry? |
रात्र असो का दिवस काही फरक पडत नाही. | It doesn’t matter whether it is day or night. |
Basic Marathi Phrases | Daily Used Sentences Marathi
Greetings and Salutations
- Namaskār – Hello/Goodbye
- Suprabhāt – Good Morning
- Shubh Rātri – Good Night

Asking Questions | Daily Used Sentences Marathi
- Āpan kase āhāt? – How are you?
- Āpale nāv kāy? – What is your name?
- Mājhe nāv _____ – My name is _____.
Introducing Yourself and Others | Daily Used Sentences Marathi
- Ho – Yes
- Nāhi – No
- Kitī vājale? – What time is it?

Expressing Time and Numbers | Daily Used Sentences Marathi to English
- Chhān āhe – It’s nice.
- Miī majet āhe – I am fine.
- Jevaņ jhāle kā? – Did you have your meal?
Polite Expressions and Apologies
- Kshamā karā – Sorry.
- Mī āpalī kshamā māgato – I apologize.
- Kripayā jarā sāvakāsh bolāl kā? – Will you please speak a bit slowly?
Ordering Food and Drinks | Daily Used Sentences Marathi
- Bus thāmbā kuțhe āhe? – Where is the bus stop?
- Namaskār – Hello
- Chānglā – Good
Asking for Directions
- Kripayā – Please
- Ābhār – Thank you
- Kitī? – How much?
- _____ kuțhe āhe? – Where is _____?

Conclusion | Daily Used Sentences Marathi
Learning some basic Marathi sentences can greatly enhance your experience while interacting with the locals in Maharashtra. These phrases will enable you to greet people, ask questions, introduce yourself, express time and numbers, and seek directions. Embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culture and language of Maharashtra.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Daily Used Sentences Marathi
Q1: Can I learn Marathi phrases online? Yes, there are various online resources and language learning platforms that offer Marathi language courses and phrase guides. Some popular websites include Omniglot, Engoi, and Wikibooks. Additionally, language learning apps like Duolingo can also be helpful.
Q2: Are these Marathi phrases suitable for beginners? Absolutely! The phrases mentioned in this article are basic and commonly used in daily conversations. They are perfect for beginners who want to start learning Marathi.
Q3: How important is it to learn the local language while traveling? It allows you to communicate with locals, understand their culture better, and navigate through different situations more easily.
Q4: Can I use Google Translate to learn Marathi? Google Translate can be a useful tool for quick translations, but it may not always provide accurate results. It’s best to use it as a reference and supplement it with dedicated language learning resources.
Q5: What are some other Indo-Aryan languages similar to Marathi? Some other Indo-Aryan languages include Assamese, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kashmiri, Punjabi, and Urdu. Each language has its own unique characteristics and regional variations.
Don’t hesitate to engage with native speakers, use language learning resources, and embrace the joy of discovering a new culture through language.