You want to learn Daily Used Sentences Bengali to English ? Bengali, an Eastern Indo-Aryan language, is widely spoken in Bangladesh and the Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura, and South Assam. Learning common daily used sentences Bengali to English translation can greatly help in communicating with Bengali speakers and understanding their culture and traditions. In this article, we will explore some essential sentences and phrases that can be used in various daily life situations.
Greetings and Basic Conversation | Daily Used Sentences Bengali
- Saying hello and greetings: In Bengali, you can greet someone by saying “নমস্কার” (nômôskar) or “আসসালামু আলাইকুম” (assalamu alaikum)[1][2]. These greetings are commonly used by Hindus and Muslims, respectively.
- Asking how someone is doing: To ask how someone is doing, you can say “তুমি কেমন আছ? (tumi kemôn achô?)” in an informal setting or “আপনি কেমন আছেন? (apni kemôn achen?)” in a formal setting[2].
- Responding to how you are doing: To respond to the question of how you are doing, you can say “আমি ভাল আছি (ami bhalô achi),” which means “I’m fine”.

Bengali Sentence | English Translation |
আমার গলা ব্যাথা। | I have a sore throat. |
তাকে বলুন যে সে নকল। | Tell him that he is fake. |
অকপটে কথা বলুন। | Speak frankly. |
সে কৃতজ্ঞ। | She is grateful. |
এটা জটিল। | It is intricate. |
খাবারটি বাসি। | The food is stale. |
সে আশাবাদী। | He is optimistic. |
সে একগুঁয়ে। | He is stubborn. |
এটা কার্যকরী। | It is useful. |
আমার আছে দূরত্ব রাখা। | Keep distance. |
তার কথা আশাবাদীভাবে শোন। | Listen to what she says optimistically. |
আমাকে একা আসার জন্য দাও। | Let me be alone. |
এই জামা পরোটা পরিষ্কার রাখো। | Keep this shirt clean. |
আমার মনে কোনো আশাবাদী নেই। | I am not optimistic. |
এটা ঠিক নয়। | It’s not right. |
বাইরে যাও না। | Don’t go out. |

Polite Expressions | Daily Used Sentences Bengali
- Saying please and thank you: To say “please” in Bengali, you can use the phrase “একটু দয়া করে (ekṭu doẏa kore)” before the verb in a formal setting[2]. To express gratitude, you can say “ধন্যবাদ (dhonyobad)” which means “thank you”[2].
Asking for Help and Directions | Daily Used Sentences Bengali

- Asking for assistance: To ask for help in Bengali, you can say “সাহায্য চাই (sahayya chai)” which means “I need help”[2]. You can also specify the kind of help you need by adding the appropriate noun or phrase. For example, if you need help finding a location, you can say “অবস্থানের জন্য সাহায্য চাই (abosthaner jonno sahayya chai)” which means “I need help with directions”.
- Asking for directions: To ask for directions in Bengali, you can say “দিকনির্দেশ দিন (diknirdesh din)” which means “Please give me directions”[2]. You can also specify the location or place you are looking for by adding it to the sentence. For example, if you are looking for a restaurant, you can say “রেস্টুরেন্টের দিকনির্দেশ দিন (resturanter diknirdesh din)” which means “Please give me directions to the restaurant”.
Ordering Food and Drinks |Daily Used Sentences Bengali
- Ordering food at a restaurant: To order food at a restaurant in Bengali, you can say “আমি [dish name] অর্ডার করব (ami [dish name] order korbo)” which means “I will order [dish name]”[2]. For example, if you want to order chicken curry, you can say “আমি চিকেন কারি অর্ডার করব (ami chicken curry order korbo)”.
- Ordering drinks: To order drinks in Bengali, you can say “আমি [drink name] অর্ডার করব (ami [drink name] order korbo)” which means “I will order [drink name]”[2]. For example, if you want to order a cup of tea, you can say “আমি একটি চা অর্ডার করব (ami ekti cha order korbo)”.
- These are some common daily phrases that can be useful for basic communication in Bengali. Practicing these sentences will help you become more confident in your Bengali conversations and hence you can learn Daily Used Sentences Bengali.