आप Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf सीखने के लिए उत्सुक तो अवश्य होंगे |. हेलो दोस्तो नमस्कार मैं हूं प्रशान्त एक बार फिर मैं आपका स्वागत करता हूं एक नए पोस्ट के साथ आज मै आपको बताऊंगा ” Active and Passive ” क्या आपको Active and Passive बहुत मुश्किल लगता है क्या आपको Active and Passive करने में बहुत कठिन लगता है। तो अब नहीं लगेगा क्योंकि आज मै आपको Use Of Active Passive In Hindi इतने आसान तरीके से समझाऊंगा कि आप 1 second में किसी भी Tense के Active and Passive को आसानी से कर सकते हैं। तो आइए शुरू करते हैं –
Passive voice की कहां जरूरत पड़ती है – Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
- जब ध्यान क्रिया की ओर खींचना हो।
- जब ये न पता चले की कर्त्ता कौन है।
1.Use Of Active Passive In Hindi In Continuous Tense | Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
Active formula – Subject + ( Is/Are/Am/Was/Were ) + (V1+Ing ) + object .
Passive formula – Object 1st Degree + ( Is/Are/Am/Was/Were ) + being + Verb 3rd Form + By + Subject 3rd Degree .
Examples – Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
- Active – She is playing the flute .
- Passive – The flute is being played by her .
- Active – He is recording this conversation.
- Passive – The conversation is being recorded by him.
- Active – Maids are preparing food .
- Passive – Food is being prepared by maids .
- Active – They are building the house .
- Passive – The house is being built by them.

- Active – They are making every effort to reach there .
- Passive – Every effort is being made by them to reach there .
- Active – Somebody was watching me .
- Passive – I was being watched by someone.
- Active – Shopkeeper was selling the book .
- Passive – The books were being sold by shopkeeper.
2. Use Of Active Passive In Hindi In indefinite Tense | Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
Active formula – Subject + verb + object .
Passive formula – Object 1st Degree + helping verb + main verb + by + Subject 3rd Degree.
Examples – Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
- Active – I play the flute .
- Passive – The flute is played by me .
- Active – You learn english .
- Passive – The english is learnt by you .
- Active – They blame me .
- Passive – I am blamed by them .
- Active – Everyone scolds them .
- Passive – They are scolded by everyone .
- Active – He wrote a letter .
- Passive – A letter was written by him .

- Active – Maids cleaned the room .
- Passive – The room was cleaned by maids.
- Active – Rohan will send you an email .
- Passive – An email will be sent to you by Rohan.
3. Use Of Active Passive In Hindi In Perfect Tense | Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
Active formula – Subject + has / have/had/will have / shall have + verb 3rd form + object .
Passive formula – Object 1st Degree + has / have/had/will have / shall have been + Verb 3rd Form + Subject 3rd Degree.
Examples – Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
- Active – They have done no harm .
- Passive – No harm has been done by them .
- Active – Workers have made the arrangements .
- Passive – The arrangements have been made by workers.
- Active – They had made the announcement .
- Passive – The announcement had been made by them.

- Active – He will have spent all the money by next year .
- Passive – By next year , all the money will have been spent by him.
Very Important Note – Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
दोस्तो Active Passive सिर्फ तीन Tenses का बनता है। Indefinite , Continuous और Perfect इसके अलावा किसी भी टेंस में नहीं बनता है। Future Continuous Tense का भी Passive Voice नहीं बनता है |
और हां दोस्तों एक बात का जरूर ध्यान रखिएगा –
जब Active का Passive बनाते हैं तो आप जिस Tense का बना रहें हैं Helping Verb उसके अगले वाले Tense का Helping Verb लिया जाता है जैसे – अगर आप Indefinite Tense का बना रहें है तो helping verb अगले टेंस यानी Continuous Tense की रहेगी । Perfect बना रहें हैं तो helping verb perfect continuous tense की रहेगी।
हां ये बात ध्यान में रहे कि Continous Tense बना रहे हैं तो helping verb – Continous Tense की ही रहेगी । लेकिन Passive Voice में Main Verb 3rd For के पहले ‘ Being ‘ लगा दिया जाता है |
Tense | Active Voice | Passive Voice | Rule |
Simple Present | Subject + V1 + Object | Object + is/am/are + V3 (past participle) | Add “is/am/are” + past participle |
Present Continuous | Subject + is/am/are + V1+ing + Object | Object + is/am/are + being + V3 | Add “is/am/are being” + past participle |
Present Perfect | Subject + has/have + V3 + Object | Object + has/have + been + V3 | Add “has/have been” + past participle |
Simple Past | Subject + V2 + Object | Object + was/were + V3 | Add “was/were” + past participle |
Past Continuous | Subject + was/were + V1+ing + Object | Object + was/were + being + V3 | Add “was/were being” + past participle |
Past Perfect | Subject + had + V3 + Object | Object + had + been + V3 | Add “had been” + past participle |
Simple Future | Subject + will + V1 + Object | Object + will be + V3 | Add “will be” + past participle |
Future Continuous | Subject + will be + V1+ing + Object | — | Passive form not commonly used |
Future Perfect | Subject + will have + V3 + Object | Object + will have been + V3 | Add “will have been” + past participle |
Present Perfect Continuous | Subject + has/have been + V1+ing + Object | — | Passive form not commonly used |
Past Perfect Continuous | Subject + had been + V1+ing + Object | — | Passive form not commonly used |
Future Perfect Continuous | Subject + will have been + V1+ing + Object | — | Passive form not commonly used |
Notes: Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
- V1 = Base form of the verb (e.g., eat)
- V2 = Simple past form of the verb (e.g., ate)
- V3 = Past participle form of the verb (e.g., eaten)
Examples for Each Tense:
- Simple Present:
- Active: She writes a letter.
- Passive: A letter is written by her.
- Present Continuous:
- Active: She is writing a letter.
- Passive: A letter is being written by her.
- Present Perfect:
- Active: She has written a letter.
- Passive: A letter has been written by her.
- Simple Past:
- Active: She wrote a letter.
- Passive: A letter was written by her.
- Past Continuous:
- Active: She was writing a letter.
- Passive: A letter was being written by her.
- Past Perfect:
- Active: She had written a letter.
- Passive: A letter had been written by her.
- Simple Future:
- Active: She will write a letter.
- Passive: A letter will be written by her.
- Future Perfect:
- Active: She will have written a letter.
- Passive: A letter will have been written by her.
Exercises Use Of Active Passive In Hindi | Active And Passive Voice Rules Chart Pdf
- I will give you a pen .
- I am doing work .
- He buying a pen.
- They were going to Kolkata.
- You teach English.
- They read the book of science.
- I will give you a crackpot.
- She eats food.
- He has eaten the food.
- You have written a page writing.
- I have gone to the Chennai.
- You have taught children.
- They have done no harm.
- Sir has taught the math .
- He is helping you.
- I am talking to you.
- Shivam has done his work.
- The servant was cleaning the room.
- I am washing my clothes.
- You are drinking water.
आशा है कि आपको यह अच्छे से समझ में आ गया होगा जिससे की आप अच्छे से Use Of Active Passive In Hindi कर सके सिर्फ एक सेकेंड में। अगर आपको अभी भी कोई समस्या है तो हमारे फ्री व्हाट्सएप लिंक को ज्वाइन कर तुरंत हल प्राप्त करें। ” Thanks “
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